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An easy-to-use way to view and manage rail demurrage invoices.
Accessorial Charge Management provides an easy-to-use way to view, manage, and audit railroad demurrage invoices. ACM aims to arm Shippers with the proper data to effectively dispute demurrage, and take the leg work out by truly managing by exception.
ACM processes event data from the Kaleris TRAX Application in near real-time and automatically calculates the demurrage charge based on the defined demurrage tariff agreements. All relevant information is provided in a user-friendly manner, providing a breakdown of the demurrage charge and service credits received. ACM also allows the user to recalculate the charge or re-rate the entire event based on the relevant changes performed.
Over 30 widgets available with customized KPIs to fit operational needs.
Effectively manage each facility’s accessorial charges in one application.
Set it and forget it holiday management. Easily enter or import tariff agreements for ACM to automatically interpret each agreement & calculate charges based on tariff information.
Effectively manage empty car orders to dispute demurrage charges. Easily enter or import empty car orders. ACM automatically calculates & applies charges according to the “want date” for each car.
Complete, real-time view of all charges by railcar with Real-time event data sent from Kaleris Rail Shipment Visibility as well as the ability to import data via excel upload/import credits, AEI scanner data, or event data.
ACM provides monthly totals of all charges by railroad, view in-progress or completed/closed out charges, access to all historical invoices and charge information, and the ability to upload railroad invoices.
Note these items will never change. They will only show the three you have added and in the order you add them. They are constructed from the data in the resources and do not need to have their content updated.