Insight • March 31 ,2023

APAC Navis User Group 2023

TOPIC • Terminal Operations (TOS)

Making the Right Move

The NUG is a forum for Navis Users to share experiences and challenges, and to network across our port communities. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with the Navis Product Management teams. It helps Navis align on collective priorities for future development, direction, and enhancement of the Navis TOS. It also helps our customers ensure they are using the current product capabilities efficiently.





Port Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) hosted the 2023 APAC NUG conference on the 28th of February and the 1st of March, 2023.

The NUG was attended by over 80 delegates represented by 15 customers from 8 countries. We welcomed representatives from Sri Lanka Ports Authority, Access International, Bintulu Port, CMIT, Johor Port, Kerry Logistics, Manilla International Container Terminal, MMC, Modern Terminals (MTL) Hong Kong, Northport (M) Berhad, Port of Napier, Patricks, Adani, and Port of Tanjung Pelepas.

Day 1

As our first NUG in three years, seeing how our customers have moved ahead and evolved during the COVID period was amazing. The resilience in the industry and our colleagues are a proud achievement for all. Our customers shared the following:

  • PTP shared their collaboration with Navis RTG-Optimization and the successful remote deployment over 18 months
  • SPLA JCT successfully performed a fully remote Go-Live
  • MTL upgraded their N4 version from 2.5 to 3.8 in six months during the lockdown in Hong Kong
  • ICTSI shared their technology transformation to the cloud
  • Patricks shared on implementation and upgrades to N4 3.8 across four terminals


The following sessions were presented:

  1. Scott Holland, Chief Product Officer, at Kaleris and Floris Vernooij, Director of Product Management, provided an update on the roadmap for N4 4.0 and our new Enterprise and Visibility Platform (EVP).
  2. Michael Robinson, Principal Architect, presented cybersecurity as security is the highest priority for all our terminals.
  3. Dian Yu, Product Manager, presented on our Next Gen Yard solutions and conducted a Tower Check demo.


We also recognized our Navis World ’22 Inspire Award winners:

  • Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) – Terminal Operations Optimization Award
  • Modern Terminals (MTL) – Sustainability award

Day 2

Participants were split into two groups. These groups alternated between the terminal tour, workshops, and roundtable discussions.

PTP coordinated a bus tour across their 5km of quay line. The sheer volume, efficiency, and management of this 12.5 million TEU mega terminal were inspiring to all. Participants saw the RTGs with RTG-O in live operation, the optimized Lashing, and the Twistlock safety operations. They also got to see Navis’ Data Analytics Smart Apps: OpsView in action on the numerous quay cranes in operation and management visibility.

Workshops were conducted on best practices of integrations and open discussions with our Navis product team.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

A sincere thank you to APAC NUG Chairman Joe Schofield for chairing the event and to PTP for hosting the event and Akquinet for the coffee breaks.

Thank you to all APAC NUG participants for contributing to a successful 2023 APAC NUG Meeting. We look forward to seeing more regional terminals participate in future APAC NUG meetings and your continued engagement with the APAC NUG. See you on the next one!