Insight • November 9 ,2023

Kaleris Depot Management Solution: An Innovative Solution to Depot Performance Challenges

TOPIC • Maintenance & Repair Solutions (MRO), Rail TMS (Transportation Management)

Nothing grinds depot performance to a halt quite like a lack of visibility, inaccurate operational data, and outdated systems. They cause asset utilization to plummet, increase truck turn times, and generate mountains of rework, which all contribute to revenue losses. But there is light at the end of that tunnel of cargo. Implementing Kaleris Depot Management Solution can help you tackle depot management challenges and improve performance. Here’s how the solution tackles major challenges:


Reduced Container Rehandles Through Effective Yard Planning
Kaleris Depot Management Solution tracks cargo in real time, providing location and status visibility that feeds into the system’s advanced yard planning capabilities. It leverages this data to organize container locations based on cargo criteria and recommends optimal prioritization stacking that minimizes container handling and ultimately leads to fewer rehandles.

Improved Truck Traffic Flow

Take control of your depot’s truck traffic flow with our built-in Appointment and Pre-Advise modules. Prevent gate congestion and traffic issues by planning your gate transactions before they happen, saving minutes with each truck visit and enabling better resource planning for your yard.

Simplified Communication with Asset Owners
Easily send pictures, estimates, and invoices regarding damages to expedite the approval process. Handle the entire M&R process – from work order to invoice – in one system, decreasing revenue loss from billing disputes.

Enhanced Customer Experience
With a user-friendly portal, your customer can easily view real-time container availability, the status of any customs holds, and more, so they can schedule their container pickup for the optimal time.

Reduced Human Error with Digitization
The modern and mobile-friendly user interface is easy to use “out of the box,” helps minimize manual operational errors, and empowers you to manage M&R from anywhere. Pre-built integrations for popular third-party tools seamlessly connect essential operational systems.

By delivering visibility into execution workflows for all stakeholders connected to the depot, Kaleris Depot Management Solution can help you achieve your operational goals, whether those are enhancing operational data to make more informed decisions, increasing utilization, accelerating truck turnaround times, reducing costs, or all of the above.



About Kaleris
Kaleris is a leading provider of cloud-based supply chain execution and visibility technology solutions. Many of the world’s largest brands rely on Kaleris to provide mission-critical technology for yard management, transportation management, maintenance and repair operations, terminal operating systems, and ocean carrier and vessel solutions. By consolidating supply chain execution software assets across major nodes and modes, we address the dark spots and data gaps that cause friction and inefficiency in the global supply chain.