Insight • September 12 ,2024

A Look at Yard Management in Europe Today

TOPIC • Yard Management System (YMS)

How does a YMS improve communication between drivers and optimize workflows?

Challenges in the yard directly impact operational success. Long wait times at the gate can lead to missed delivery windows, causing scheduling conflicts. Delays may result in drivers exceeding their allowed hours, forcing rescheduling and added costs. With operators everywhere embracing technology, however, your operation can avoid standstills in the yard. 

The Kaleris multilingual kiosk helps yards navigate these challenges by streamlining communication and compliance management. Our multilingual kiosks can be deployed to reduce language barriers, improve document handling, and enhance yard efficiency. With features like SMS notifications and automated workflows, yards can speed up gate-to-bay processing while ensuring drivers remain safe in their vehicles—helping businesses stay competitive in an increasingly regulated market. 

Why choose the Kaleris Multilingual kiosk?  

  • SMS functionality 
  • RTLS for cargo 
  • LPR (License Plate Recognition)
  • Safety and security RTLS and SMS address  
  • Our solutions suite is tailored for a global clientele   
  • Speed of implementation  

Many companies still rely on manual processes and basic tracking methods today due to environmental constraints, fewer drivers in the workforce, and tight regulations. This can be detrimental as European yards have higher standards for quality and customer satisfaction than the average American yard. 

The adoption of Yard Management Systems (YMS) has greatly improved over the last five years. To keep up this momentum, process automation will be a key effort in making quicker moves in the yard.  

How is Kaleris YMS helping businesses run their operations more efficiently? 

Our multilingual driver YMS kiosk enhances yard management across markets by ensuring compliance with critical regulations, including driving times and rest periods By supporting multiple languages, the system improves communication, reducing errors and delays while enhancing efficiency and legal compliance. This approach prioritizes driver welfare, upholds the quality of transported goods over rapid turnaround, and aligns with Europe’s data protection standards, making yard operations safer, smoother, and more reliable.  

What unique challenges can a multilingual kiosk help address for European customers? 

  1. Streamlined Cross-Border Operations 

The EU has 24 official languages and many regional dialects. A multilingual YMS kiosk ensures seamless communication for drivers from different countries, reducing check-in confusion and paperwork errors. 

  1. Faster Gate Processing & Reduced Wait Times

Language barriers slow down check-in procedures. With Kaleris YMS, drivers can quickly enter information, understand instructions, and get moving faster, improving yard efficiency. 

  1. Improved Safety & Security

Miscommunication at the gate can lead to safety hazards. Multilingual kiosks provide clear safety instructions, preventing accidents and ensuring drivers understand site-specific rules.  

  1. Enhanced Driver & Vendor Experience

Logistics networks in the EU depend on international carriers. A YMS kiosk that supports multiple languages creates a smoother, more professional experience, strengthening partnerships with vendors and reducing frustration for drivers. 

  1. Cost Savings & Increased Productivity

Faster check-ins mean less idle time at gates, reducing congestion and fuel waste. By preventing delays and miscommunication, businesses save time and operational costs.

Role of a YMS in Meeting Regulatory Requirements and Sustainability Goals 

With fewer trucks stuck in the yard or left in limbo at the gate, your yard is responsible for burning less fuel. Burning less fuel allows operators to allocate more money towards essential resources. 

When insufficient staffing leads to operational downturns, being equipped with a reliable YMS gives operators the ability to take the middleman out of the equation by automating their gates.Real-time tracking gives operation managers visibility into truck conditions at any given time, reducing dwell times and diminishing worker safety concerns as per EU Mobility guidelines. 

This ABI Research study highlights what to look for when choosing the right YMS for your yard, accounting for number of yards and facility type, including an estimated look at distribution centers and storage warehouse yards in Europe in 2025.  

Kaleris Yard Management Solutions: Instantly See Your Data Dark Spots