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Reduce Loss of Containers at Sea with a Connected Cargo Ecosystem | Rivieramm

How a joint industry project aims to lower the probability of losing containers at sea….

The Look of Yard Management in Europe Today

Most operators in the US have swapped out manual processes for yard management solutions that automate their vitals, but European yard managers have a few more challenges to contend with. 

The Role of Cargo Data in Fleet Performance

Fleet environmental impact is a shared responsibility, influenced by both vessel operations and cargo loading….
Fleet environmental impact is a shared responsibility, influenced by both vessel operations and cargo loading. As regulations tighten, operators and owners need to work closely to meet growing sustainability standards.

OpsView & Analytics: Real-time Insights for Smarter Terminal Operations

OpsView and Analytics, a Kaleris software solution, is designed to improve terminal visibility with real-time…
OpsView and Analytics, a Kaleris software solution, is designed to improve terminal visibility with real-time monitoring, data analysis and scalable infrastructure.

MACS3 Connected and MACS3 Launcher: A Real-Time Mirror of the Actual Onboard Situation

In today’s fast-paced shipping industry, real-time visualization of onboard conditions and seamless data sharing among…
In today’s fast-paced shipping industry, real-time visualization of onboard conditions and seamless data sharing among stakeholders are now essential.

Navigating Terminal Efficiencies with Affordable Data Insights

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, data has emerged as a critical asset for businesses…
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, data has emerged as a critical asset for businesses of all sizes, and small to medium-sized terminals are no exception. These terminals, which are essential nodes in the global supply chain, are increasingly leveraging data to enhance their operations, improve efficiency, and stay competitive in a challenging market environment.