Ports + Terminals


Market Leader

Navis is the #1 global market leader in TOS



6X larger installed base than the closest TOS competitor



Navis TOS used in 490+ terminals worldwide

Find the right TOS for you

Supporting over 500 terminals of all cargo-handling types with Navis Terminal Operating Systems, solutions designed with cargo-handling terminals

Complex Container Terminals

Terminals with sophisticated container operations with automation and complex optimization requirements, that are looking for greater connectivity and resiliency.


Standardized, Cloud-Based TOS

Terminals with standardized processes needing a cloud-based TOS with a lean IT footprint, a quick implementation time.


Mixed Cargo Handling

Mixed cargo terminals that may include container operations not requiring automation or optimization, and/or complex Break Bulk, Bulk or RoRo handling

Navis Mixed Cargo TOS

Making global trade smarter, safer, and more sustainable for everyone

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Why Us?

  • Customer-obsessed
  • Environmental & social sustainability – we do our part!
  • Transform relationship with our customers
  • Replicable technology & data driven operating model
  • To increase your terminal’s & port’s productivity
  • Experienced in cost-cutting
  • Functional – better visibility, insights, centralized planning, zero downtime



Kaleris YMS Ranked No. 1 by ABI Research Competitive Rankings

Supply chain technology leaders can use this report to better understand how Kaleris YMS eliminates manual workflows and improves operational visibility for accelerated supply chain execution.

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