Insight • March 31 ,2023

APAC Navis User Group 2023 – Mixed Cargo TOS: Master Terminal

TOPIC • Terminal Operations (TOS)

Making the Right Move


CentrePort Wellington in New Zealand hosted the Regional User Group, a forum for Master Terminal Users and Navis Product Management to share experiences and challenges and network across our port communities. It helps Navis align on collective priorities for future development, direction, and enhancement of the TOS. It also allows our customers to ensure they are using the current product capabilities efficiently.



The 2023 MTN NUG conference was held on 8th & 9th of March, 2023. The NUG was attended by 21 delegates represented by four customers within the ANZ region. It was a 1.5-day event where representatives from other ports visited the Centreport terminal for a tour on day two.


Day 1

As our first MTN face-to-face NUG, it was amazing to see how our customers have moved ahead and evolved during the COVID period. The resilience in the industry and our colleagues are a proud achievement for all. Our customers shared the following:

  • AAT shared on the Vehicle Import Process
  • POT on the Navis Smart App: Reefer
  • PNL on delivery requests
  • Centreport on their recovery from the earthquake and use of their new Electric Vehicles.


The following sessions were presented:

  1. Rebecca Rowley, Product Manager for Master Terminal, shared the roadmap for our Navis Mixed Cargo TOS and our new Execution and Visibility Platform (EVP).
  2. Michael Robinson, Principal Architect, presented cybersecurity as security is the highest priority for all our terminals.
  3. Ian McDowell demonstrated our mobile apps and web portal and conducted a workshop on the import vehicle process.


Day 2

Centreport coordinated a bus tour across their quay line and showcased their containers and bulk cargo terminal operations using their new electric vehicles. We also had a workshop on vehicle bookings and smart apps and a discussion of the new requirement from TSW and open discussions with our product team.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

A sincere thank you to MTN NUG Chairman, Rohit Victor & co-host, Marie McNaught, for chairing the event and to Centreport for hosting the event.

Thank you to all participants for contributing to a successful 2023 MTN NUG; we look forward to the next one!